Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Multiplayer Board Game

Ludo is a popular game in Nepal. This is a two player multiplayer game i created using Ruby on Rails.

Here are the steps to play the game.

1) First open the game link below.
2) Select a color and enter name.
3) Click on Join.
4) Now open the same link in another browser or another computer.
5) Enter name and select a color.
6) Click on Join.
7) Click "Enter Room" in both screens.
8) Follow the instructions and play the game.

Note: Currently the game only supports two players. Also, since this was just a hobby starter project in rails, security is not implemented. Please click on Reset if for some reason the game isn't working. The game lets you reset if there has not been any activity for 30 minutes.

Play Game

Languages and Frameworks used

Server : Ruby on Rails
Client : JQuery & HTML
IDE : C9